"DOLYA AND CO. LTD" LLC was founded
Motorola Channel Partner
ICOM (Japan) official partner
Motorola Canopy broadband project
Motorola application partner - integration P25, TETRA, DMR.
ISO 9001: 2009 certified
Obtaining partner status for Zinwave and Cambium networks. Projects for the construction of professional digital radio communication systems of the TETRA standard at the Olympic NSC and the Arena Lviv stadium have been successfully completed
Donetsk International airport project (Dimetra TETRA system)
Equatorial Guinea project (MOTOTRBO)
Obtaining membership in the DMR Manufacturers Association. Release of the first AGENT radio and registration of the AGENT trademark. Company DOLYA AND CO. LTD has passed due diligence audit TRACEcertification.
Obtaining the status of a platinum partner of MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS. A project to build a digital communication system for the Senegale army.
A project to build a digital communication system for the UEFA Champions League final. The company joined the American-Ukrainian Business Council / U.S. Ukraine Business Council (USA, Washington)
The company has joined the international association TETRA and Critical Communications (TCCA). Included in the list of NSC operators. Creating a system of internal export control at the enterprise.
Obtaining the status of an exclusive distributor of Thales Defense & Security, Inc - one of the global leaders in defense, telecommunications, aviation, space and digital security solutions. The SESU digital communication system was organized on the territory of the Exclusion Zone.
Authorized for the right to export and import military goods under position ML11.a. Obtaining the status of an official partner of Silvus Technologies.